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Showing posts from January, 1987

**I am a Writer**

I've back dated this before my very first poem written at age 14 (in 1987) so that this appears as the first post, although this was written 2008 Jan 18 when I started this blog. This is my first post on blogger as I typically post my writings on my writing site (or on other writing forums). I doubt this post is going to be too heady or invigorating as I prefer to write about topics other than myself when doing prose pieces (I leave the self-indulgent wallowing for my poems). If you enjoy a lot of poetry sprinkled in with some horror short stories, take a look at future posts. Comments are always welcome provided they aren't advertising. I should warn that I'm a bit blunt. I'd apologize if that might end up coming across as rude or tactless in any of my posts that I do here (or any comments I make), but I prefer honesty whenever possible. I won't go out of my way to hurt your feelings, but I won't lie about how I feel on a topic or when asked a question. Have a