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I've destroyed your joy, your happiness
Cut you into pieces with bits of glass
I never realized the power I had
To tear you up and make you feel sad
Every tear that falls as you cry, as you bawl
It's all my fault

I've destroyed your entire life, your pride
When I made you my embittered wife
Took away every shred of decency
Snatched away your morals and beliefs
Left you tossed about in a sea of doubts
Threw you out to sink

I've brought you to the brink gasping for air
Without anyone who even cared
Without a friend to hold your hand
No-one to bring you safely back to land
Then when you did come back to earth
I let you die of thirst
In a thankless desert

I wonder why I've been so mean
Why haven't I seen what you've seen?
I can't visualize this monster you describe
The reflection of me in your beautiful eyes
The man who you blame for each and every thing
Even the cheapness of your blessed wedding ring

I wish I had known I was such scum
Now, I do, so really--thank you
For letting me know I'm an unfeeling asshole
Oh yes, I'll leave you alone
Continue to rant; scream all you can
Keep up your childish act

I hope you realize as much as you despise
To accept anything real in your life
That you won't get what you want anymore
I am throwing you back to that lonely shore,
My hands won't pull you back from the edge
Go ahead, jump off that ledge
To find your happiness, peace

As for me, I'm going to leave

This is part I of a poem with the man's voice on the relationship. The second part will be the woman's voice on it. I haven't finished her part yet.


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