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Showing posts from July, 2010

Some SysAdmin Stuff

I'm going to start posting sysadmin-type things on this blog. I haven't done much writing other than technical recently. Posts here will focus on shorter snippets of information that I recently found out and want to pass along (mainly so I remember them myself). Using @reboot in crontab -e I recently discovered that the time interval @reboot can be used to start something upon server boot up. An example of this might be some script that you run continuously but that isn't set in /etc/init.d as a service to start on reboot (chkconfig service on). How it would be used is the following: @reboot command Let's say I have a script installed onto my machine to log every minute for the load and other processes. It won't restart on server reboot, so I could do the following for it in crontab -e (/var/spool/cron/root): @reboot nohup ~/pathtoscript & Grabbing the top level listing of permissions and ownership for a folder Normally, I'd been using the following for a fo...