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Showing posts from 2010


Marry me, Lover And sing unto me A song of redemption To set our souls free I want to breathe the light To finally be with you So, let my spirit go Banish this dark within Flowing and unformed Into dust and wind On perfect wings, we float Here we can live again

L’enfer, c’est moi-même

Recently, I decided to purchase the book Huis Clos by Sartre due to having used the phrase, "L'enfer, c'est les autres" on a site of mine. If you aren't familiar with the phrase, it basically means, "Hell, it's other people." At the time I selected that phrase, I had been pretty disappointed at the world in general and the people around me. As a true internet dork who is pretty well incapable of easy exchanges with other people, I have oftentimes blamed others for my unhappiness with life. After purchasing the book (and I haven't yet read the book, since it's shipping from Amazon), I came to realize that the more applicable phrase for me would really be "L'enfer, c'est moi-même" or "Hell, it's myself." Why precisely would hell be me? If I'm honest with myself, then the decisions I make, places I go, people I meet and interact with, and the words I say are all my own doing. By blaming other people for any h...

Some SysAdmin Stuff

I'm going to start posting sysadmin-type things on this blog. I haven't done much writing other than technical recently. Posts here will focus on shorter snippets of information that I recently found out and want to pass along (mainly so I remember them myself). Using @reboot in crontab -e I recently discovered that the time interval @reboot can be used to start something upon server boot up. An example of this might be some script that you run continuously but that isn't set in /etc/init.d as a service to start on reboot (chkconfig service on). How it would be used is the following: @reboot command Let's say I have a script installed onto my machine to log every minute for the load and other processes. It won't restart on server reboot, so I could do the following for it in crontab -e (/var/spool/cron/root): @reboot nohup ~/pathtoscript & Grabbing the top level listing of permissions and ownership for a folder Normally, I'd been using the following for a fo...


There's a bird in a tree and he's singing to me An enchanting love song of springtimes long gone Oh, please don't fly away Come here and stay Flutter your wings in the breeze Sing, sweetly please Be here with me When I tight close my eyes, such a vision devise Where light patterns grow; where these shadows will go Whence they have sprung As this bird's song is sung To undo what's been done Back, bring me back My family Yet a crow's cawing loud in this harsh winter shroud Hopping around in his cold leafless tree Oh, do get thee away Here must I stay Listening to your wretched tune Where death is never far But never soon